In our recent Blog we shared an easy Mary Berry pancake recipe, toppings ideas and some usual or alternative pancake recipes for you to search for online this pancake day, 1st March 2022.
Whether you prefer crepes, pancakes, drop scones or American pancakes, here are 7 fun options/activities to consider this pancake day:
1) Get children/grandchildren involved - see what interesting toppings, flavours and shapes they can come up with and create some lovely memories to make even the biggest messes seem worthwhile.
To make different shapes, simply drop the batter into the pan In different shapes - for example, outline a heart shape and then fill it in with more batter; or make a round shape in the middle of the pan and add two smaller round shapes to make a mouse/bear-faced shape. Then decorate as desired
2) Invite your friends/family or loved ones round for the afternoon/evening and get creative with sweet and savoury options or have a pancake topping competition.
Prepare a selection of different toppings - such as ham, bacon, cheese, pineapple, chopped banana, chocolate chips, lemon wedges, granulated sugar, maple syrup, chocolate spread, a selection of fruits. Everyone can choose their own fillings or toppings and mix and match to create unusual variations
3) Prepare some pancakes in advance and take them in for your colleagues - they can be heated up in the microwave or eaten cold and make a delicious mid-morning treat
4) Arrange a pancake/crepe bake off competition with your friends, family or colleagues - to find the best recipe, toppings and fillings.
5) Invite your neighbours round for a pancake extravaganza - on many streets, neighbours have got to know each other during the pandemic and this is another fun way to get to know them better.
Invite your neighbours to bring different types of pancakes, or a selection of toppings or sides to share.
6) Prepare for Mother’s Day (27 March 2022) by practicing your pancake and drop scone recipes, ready to add to your own afternoon tea celebrations - practice makes perfect
7) Have a romantic night in …

You don’t need others as an excuse for a pancake, treat yourself and indulge in your favourite toppings and a bit of pampering - you deserve it.
If you can’t be there in person, why not make pancakes and share them on a video call with friends or family?
Don’t have much time? Why not buy a ready mix and just add water to make your pancake batter, or buy some ready made pancakes or crepes - simply heat them , add toppings of your choice and enjoy.
Above all, enjoy, be creative, indulge your senses and have fun.
Happy Pancake Day!
With love and hugs, The Box of Hugs Team